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Home / Emile Kotzé

Emile Kotzé

Plant Manager at Cape Flats Waste Water Treatment Works

What did you do after Matric?

I studied B.Sc. (Human Movement Studies) at Stellenbosch University. I did not complete my studies.

What is your day job?

Plant Manager at Cape Flats Waste Water Treatment Works.

When did you join D4D?


Why are you involved with D4D?

I enjoy doing distance events, and combining that with attending to the needs of children is a privilege. It is something I feel I can do to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ while I am still on earth.

Tell us more about your family?

I am married to my wife Ilse. I also have a son, Daniël, from a previous marriage.

What sport do you do? Any tough events done?

Road running, cycling, and hiking. I have completed 10 Winelands Marathons, 10 Two Oceans Marathons, 3 Comrades Marathons, 5 Cape Town (Argus) Cycle Tours, and the Fish River Canyon Trail. I also attempted THE500 in 2013, but did not finish.

What are your future dreams for D4D?

I pray that the Lord will guide us to where He wants us to go, but my dream is that we will be a channel through which funds flow to children in need, to uplift their dignity and self-esteem. We should have a positive impact on society, but most importantly, on the Kingdom of God.

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