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Home / Jacques Van Niekerk

Jacques Van Niekerk


What did you do after Matric?

I completed my BA LLB.

What is your day job?


When did you join D4D?


Why are you involved with D4D?

I cannot run, cycle, or swim competitively; therefore, it was the only way I could make a difference.

Tell us more about your family?

I have a wonderful wife, Therine, and two sons, Jasper and Petrus.

What sport do you do? Any tough events done?


What are your future dreams for D4D?

Firstly, I want to see a difference in the lives of children suffering undue hardship, especially those who fall through the cracks of the usual social welfare programs and institutions. Secondly, I want D4D to be an inspiration to others to make a difference.

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