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Making a Difference (Our 2022/2023 Beneficiaries)

Sylvia’s House Foster Care

Sylvia’s House Foster Care is a foster home located in Gordon’s Bay. The mission of Sylvia’s House Foster Care is to enrich the lives of children facing physical and emotional challenges, aiming to create a nurturing family environment where they can thrive.

Sylvia’s House has been a safe haven for many abandoned and abused children of all ages throughout the past 24 years. Many young people have been with Sylvia’s House for either long or short periods of time, while their parents are rehabilitated or while new adoptive parents are found. While around 80 children have been under Sylvia’s House care, it is heartening to report that the majority have successfully transitioned to new, loving families or returned to restored homes after experiencing healing. In addition to her role as a safety parent, Sylvia is currently raising nine children who have become a permanent part of her family. Two of them are adopted, and six are in Sylvia’s legal foster care. Notably, four of these children have recently embarked on independent living.

Sylvia is dedicated to empowering the children in her care to reach their full potential, offering them a place to call home, therapy and support tailored to their individual needs. Her primary goal is to create a family environment that mirrors the morals, emotional and physical stability, educational opportunities and prospects that most other children are fortunate to have. Sylvia is passionate about nurturing these children in her care to unlock their complete God-given potential, allowing them to grow confidently into their true selves and become contributing members of society as adults. Sylvia’s aspiration extends beyond merely providing clothing and nourishment for the children under her care. Her dream is to love them unconditionally and foster every opportunity for their personal growth, just as she would for her own children.

Her mission aligns with that of D4D, as we share the hope that these children will mature into responsible adults and valuable members of society, capable of making positive contributions that, in turn, enhance the lives of others.

At present, D4D supports Sylvia’s House with a monthly donation of R5,400. These funds are earmarked for educational purposes and operational costs.

Sylvia’s House was identified as one of the ten beneficiaries of the 2023 edition of THE500 event. A donation of R70,000 was granted to them in February 2024. It’s important to note that this donation was not given as a once-off donation, but will be utilised to sustain D4D’s monthly donations to Sylvia’s House for an extended period.

Tzadokah Foster Home

D4D has had the privilege of being involved with Tzadokah Foster Home since 2005. They were the very first foster home that D4D supported and continues to support to this day. As we reflect on the last nineteen years of D4D’s involvement with Tzadokah Foster Home, we are extremely grateful for the abundance of blessings we have experienced. We have witnessed the remarkable growth of the children and the numerous challenges they have bravely overcome, including the substantial progress they have made throughout their school careers. Tina Burger has been Tzadokah’s foster mom since 2009.

At the time of writing this report, Tzadokah has two children in permanent foster care, two in temporary foster care, and one placed in safe custody.

D4D expresses our deepest gratitude, acknowledging the unconditional love that Tina and her husband, Schalk Burger, have for the children. They selflessly devote their energy, time, and affection to those under their care. The harmonious relationships among all the children reflect the profound respect they hold for Tina and Schalk.

D4D’s ongoing monthly donation of R9,000, primarily contributes towards educational expenses, a cause that will remain a central part of D4D’s mission.

Tzadokah Foster Home was identified as one of the ten beneficiaries of the 2023 edition of THE500 event. A donation of R50,000 was allocated to them in February 2024. This donation was not given as a once-off contribution, but will be used to fulfill D4D’s monthly commitment to Tzadokah Foster Home for an extended period.

D4D is delighted to share some heartwarming highlights from Tzadokah over the period covered in this report:

Vision Care for Gavidene:
13-year-old, Gavidene, received new glasses, thanks to the support of D4D. Ensuring proper vision is a crucial aspect of our commitment to the well-being and development of each child in need thereof.
Educational Support for Bevin:
10-year-old, Bevin, attended reading and spelling lessons at the Tina Cowley Reading Centre. We are proud to mention that D4D funded these lessons, contributing to Bevin’s educational journey.
Raven’s Memorable Matric Farewell:
In April 2023, Raven, attended her matric farewell. D4D played a part in making her dream night even more special by contributing towards her shoes and nails. It’s moments like these that remind us of the importance of supporting not just the essential needs, but also the dreams and aspirations of these precious individuals.

Esther van Zyl Foster Care

Another foster mom whom D4D has been supporting since 2017 and holds a special place in our hearts, is Esther van Zyl. Her home is a registered place of safety. Esther has two children in permanent foster care, along with a baby girl currently in temporary safe care.

The eldest, a boy aged 12, was discovered in an informal settlement in Langa at the fragile age of 1. He was diagnosed as HIV positive and also suffers from separation anxiety, a direct result of his early childhood trauma. The girl, aged 7, came into Esther’s care when she was just 24 hours old. The police contacted Esther, seeking a place of safety for the newborn baby found in a park close to Esther’s house. Four days later, she was placed in Esther’s care, safe and sound, with her new “mom” and “brother”.

These two children have found the only mom they have ever known, in Esther, and she has given them a home filled with love and devotion. They have adapted very well to their school and are excelling in their schoolwork. Esther has more than enough reason to be incredibly proud of them. They are a close-knit family who love and adore one another.

Esther’s newest addition is an eight-month-old baby girl – she is an absolute delight. Spending a day with her is sure to lift anyone’s spirits; she has a contagious joy. She enjoys hearty laughter, plays peek-a-boo with her blanket even when no one is around, and squeals with excitement as she uncovers her face. However, the future is uncertain due to challenges posed by her biological mother, who is making placement difficult. We request prayers for God’s protection over this little girl and that He will lead her to the right family at the right time.

D4D supports Esther van Zyl with a monthly donation of R5,400. This money goes a long way in ensuring that she can provide the children with a healthy diet, meet their school supply needs and cover their medical expenses. In addition to the monthly donation, D4D also made an additional contribution of R10,600 in December 2023 for stationary, school clothes and extra necessities. It is an honor to serve the Lord alongside such an inspiring family.

Esther van Zyl was also identified as one of the ten beneficiaries of the 2023 edition of THE500 event. A donation of R65,000 was allocated to them in February 2024. This donation was not paid out as a once-off donation, but it will be used to fulfill D4D’s monthly donation to Esther van Zyl for an extended period.

Esther has been running a catering business from her home to support them financially. The name of her business is Pretty Tasty, and she can be contacted at 072-216-3111 for orders, ranging from cupcakes to cakes for special occasions and platters for functions. Her treats will undoubtedly tantalize your taste buds.

Esther says Thank You
Expressing gratitude is not always easy, but I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks for the tremendous support we’ve received from D4D, during these past few years. Your generosity has been instrumental in helping us navigate challenging times.

As my small business continues to grow and gain popularity in the local community, the rising costs of living have presented increasing difficulties in meeting basic needs, such as putting food on the table and keeping the lights on. The impact of your continuous support goes beyond words. It relieves the burden of choosing between essentials, like shoes and food.

The December donation played a crucial role, enabling me to provide school clothes and stationery for my children, the cost of which nearly doubled compared to last year. This support not only fosters their learning and growth, but also affords me the peace of mind to spend quality time with them.

I am extremely grateful for the love, care and every cent entrusted to me. My hope is that I can consistently make wise decisions in how these resources are utilised, and I sincerely pray for the Lord’s guidance in this regard.

As I write this message, my heart feels a bit heavier after a recent doctor’s visit. What should have been a routine examination for Sanele took an unexpected turn. Sanele’s blood pressure has reached alarming levels. The doctor mentioned that it’s a concern they’ve observed in children with HIV, typically identified from the age of 16 onwards. Sanele however, being only 13, is considered too young for this issue. Regular monitoring is now necessary. If the levels persist, medication may become necessary. Despite my deep worry, I try to remain positive as Sanele is sensitive to stress. I pray that God will intervene, restoring normalcy to his blood pressure. The thought of such health challenges at such a young age leaves me concerned about the future.

I also seek prayers for Khanye, my 9-month-old, who, despite reaching developmental milestones, faces an uncertain future. I pray that God guides Khanye to a safe place and shields all our hearts, especially Khanye’s.

I want to express gratitude for all the support we’ve received. Your assistance not only helps us navigate these challenges, but enables us to remain a family.

May the blood of Jesus cover each one of you and your families, protecting you from the enemy.

Warm regards,
Esther, Sanele, Zoey, and Nikhanye

Kingdom Kids

The Kingdom Kids Crèche, located in Sir Lowry’s Pass Village, has been a beneficiary of D4D since 2016. Opening its doors in 2009 with only two children, the school has grown significantly, currently accommodating over 80 children daily. They cater for various age groups, from babies to young kids aged 5.

Five voluntary teachers contribute their time, dedication and affection out of a profound passion for the children, their well- being and their futures. This group of women makes a tangible difference in their community. The school faces many challenges with school fees, as numerous parents fail to fulfil this obligation. Consequently, they organize several fundraisers throughout the year to generate extra income to ensure the doors of Kingdom Kids remain open.

In September 2023, a storm front hit the Cape Town area and the larger Western Cape province for three days, causing rivers to burst their banks and flood residential areas and major roads, both in coastal regions and inland. Sir Lowry’s Pass Village in particular, was hit very hard.

Large portions of the school were submerged in mud, necessitating its closure until most of the mud was removed. Their entire vegetable garden was swept away by the flood. This garden served as a main contributor to Kingdom Kids’ nutritional & educational program. The wire fence surrounding the school, was also destroyed, posing an immediate safety risk. Even the printer that was recently purchased by D4D for the school was lost in the flood. During D4D’s visit to the disaster-stricken area, the outpouring support from the community was evident. They generously extended their helping hands to Kingdom Kids. Witnessing this beautiful gesture was particularly moving, specially to Zelna and her daughters, who initiated a soup kitchen during the challenging times of COVID, providing meals to the Sir Lowry’s Pass community.

Virtual Resource, a leading global Workday Consultancy, had already collaborated with Kingdom Kids in 2022 through their VRCares program. In 2023, they erected a new classroom for Kingdom Kids. This particular classroom was fortunately spared from any flood damage. Their plans for 2024 include expanding the project by renovating some of the classrooms and ablution facilities. It is with immense gratitude that we can report that an anonymous sponsor has replaced the wire fence with a well-built, sturdy brick fence.

Kingdom Kids is an inspiration to D4D, reminding us to be more grateful for our blessings and to persevere, never giving up, despite setbacks.

Kingdom Kids was selected as one of the ten beneficiaries of the 2023 edition of THE500 event. A donation of R50,000 was allocated to them in February 2024. This donation will be used for the building project of 2024, in collaboration with Virtual Resource. We would like to invite other sponsors/companies who would like to get involved in this project, to contact Tacia Roux directly.

Gabriella Centre

Gabriella Centre is a Residential and Day Care facility for children and young adults with profound physical and intellectual disabilities, such as Cerebral Palsy. They provide 24-hour care in a home from home environment along with unlimited patience and unconditional love. In order to maintain a comfortable environment, a maximum of 24 children/young adults are enrolled in Day Care, of which 12 are also in Residential Care. Individual programmes are designed by their in-house Physiotherapist and Program Implementer, to ensure each child/young adult receives the correct physiotherapy & intellectual stimulation they require. Their staff have been trained to follow these individual programmes and understand the importance of correct positioning, exercise and educational stimulation. The weekly programme includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, music & movement, creative activities, outdoor play, horse riding and outings. Gabriella Centre provides a place to learn and grow, to feel safe and accepted and to be loved unconditionally.

These are beautiful and loving children and young adults, who are trapped in bodies that do not co-operate with what they would like to do. Gabriella Centre has made it their mission in life to serve these wonderful people, to be their facilitators, to be their feet, their hands and their voice. To treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve. Over the years they have watched the children grow and improve. The love overflows at Gabriella Centre and they never give up on their children. They persevere, even if it takes a child 5 years to learn one colour or to learn to control a spoon. It is the most amazing experience to watch their faces when they finally achieve something, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to others. Nothing can compare to the joy experienced in watching a child discover the world! When able-bodied people show the same determination and courage as these children and young adults, they could achieve great things!

Gabriella’s vision has always been “To inspire, respect and accomplish equality for persons with special needs”. Their goal remains unchanged; they strive to do everything they possibly can to assist these courageous individuals in their challenging climb in life. They want able bodied people to know that not one day in their life should be taken for granted. In a second, your life could change, and you could find yourself or a family member in the exact position as those with special needs. Take the time to get to know someone who is physically and/or intellectually challenged and give them the respect and kindness they deserve.

When D4D started back in 2005, Gabriella Centre, was one of our first beneficiaries. Nineteen years later, they were again identified as one of the ten beneficiaries of the 2023 edition of THE500 event.

In February 2024, a once-off donation of R50,000 was allocated to them.

Hagar’s Choice

Hagar means: “Stranger”.

Hagar’s story is marked by repeated rejection from both her own people and those who initially took her in. Each time she faced the brink of death, God sent His angels to assist her.

Every baby subjected to rejection, undergoes similar feelings and emotions as Hagar did. She struggled to find a sense of belonging anywhere. Despite her dire circumstances, God remained in control and sent an angel to aid Hagar. She chose obedience, returning to face Sarah even though her presence wasn’t appreciated. Reflect for a moment on the emotions she must have experienced and had to navigate.

Hagar, in a sense, had no advocate, yet God cared for her. Similarly, babies are unable to fend for themselves, lacking a voice and entirely dependent on others for assistance. God intervenes, sending angels and people to guide their paths.

Much like Hagar, Hagar’s Choice opts for the challenging path, the road less travelled, as caring for premature and rejected babies poses no easy task. Hagar’s Choice offers help to children without refuge, providing a temporary place of security and provision until they find their forever parents.

D4D’s initial donation to Hagar’s Choice was made in 2017. Since then, the Campher-family has inspired us with their selflessness and unconditional love for abandoned babies and children in need.

In December 2022, D4D made a contribution of R5,500 towards the purchase of a new refrigerator for Hagar’s Choice.

In June 2023, D4D made a contribution of R5,000 towards the purchase of milk and nappies for Hagar’s Choice.

Patch Helderberg

PATCH strives to help all child survivors of sexual abuse find hope and healing.

PATCH is the only organization that specializes in the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse in the Helderberg area of Cape Town, South Africa. Their offices spread across the Helderberg basin – with the head office located in Somerset West – and 3 satellite offices situated In Macassar, Strand and Lwandle.

They take pride in the fact that the communities they operate in have embraced PATCH in such a way that every disclosed and reported case of child sexual abuse is referred to PATCH – by the police, schools, clinics, welfare agencies and parents.

PATCH provides a holistic set of services to the survivors of child sexual abuse. Their response includes an initial assessment, therapeutic interventions, court preparation, and a 24-hour crisis line. All services are provided by a skilled team of registered social workers and social auxiliary workers. The first step for all children referred to PATCH, on account of suspected child sexual abuse, is a socio-emotional assessment. If the referral is within 72- hours of an incident, a medico-legal assessment is carried out.

The PATCH crisis worker accompanies the child to the hospital and tenderly offers emotional support during the medico-legal examination, while the doctor collects forensic evidence that may be used in the court case. Crisis workers provide the child with a comfort toy (teddy bear) to help put them at ease and following the examination, the child may take a bath and get a clean set of clothes, underwear and toiletries. A range of professional and therapeutic services for child survivors are offered by qualified social workers and psychological counsellors, based at their centers throughout the Helderberg basin.

Therapy is provided on either an individual or group basis, that is tailored to the specific needs of the child survivor. The experienced, expert staff at PATCH make use of a wide range of therapies, including narrative therapy, play therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy. They work according to the individual child’s needs, be it working on feelings of guilt and shame and/or court preparation, should the child’s case be taken to court.

The statistics of child sexual abuse are increasing daily, representing a tragic and disturbing reality. D4D is steadfast in its commitment to providing continuous support for the efforts of Patch, expressing profound gratitude for the significant difference they make in their community. We extend our heartfelt thanks for their unwavering dedication and the crucial role they play in the lives of vulnerable children.

Patch was identified as one of the ten beneficiaries of the 2023 edition of THE500 event. A donation of R20,000 was granted to them in February 2024.

Little Angels

Little Angels, situated in Somerset West, is a full-time, community- based care facility for children with special needs. Little Angels is a non-profit organisation that provides a home for children that require special care and nurturing, as a result of their mental and/or physical disabilities. Little Angels aims to provide a safe haven for these children and ensure that they receive the correct and proper medication, treatment and special care that their parents can seldom afford to provide. Today, Little Angels is home to 17 children, between the ages of 0 – 18 years.

As a result of their severe disabilities, all the children at Little Angels require 24-hour, highly specialised care and support. Most of the children suffer from multiple medical conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Microcephaly, Hydrocephaly and thus require assistive devices namely wheelchairs, buggies, ventriculoperitoneal shunts to relieve brain pressure and/or feeding pegs.

Little Angels run daily educational programs that provide intellectual stimulation for the children, as well as physical therapy programs to ensure maximum mobility and flexibility. They also do daily fun activities that include music, art and storytelling. These programmes are endorsed by CSPID (Children with Severe and Profound Intellectual Disability), a governing body managed by the Department of Basic Education.

The children’s immunity is more vulnerable due to their medical conditions and this is also the reason why every child has a specific nutritional & medicinal plan (formulated by the Department of Health), to ensure each child maintains his/her optimal health level. All the children go for bi-annual hospital visits, ensuring that their assistive devices, i.e., wheelchairs or buggies still meet their growing needs.

Little Angels would like to continue thriving, by sticking to their core values; compassion, dignity, competence and dedication. They are driven by the overwhelming need for similar residential care facilities in their community, breaking down stigmas and stereotypes regarding disabilities, and increasing awareness for those living with disabilities.

The initial donation from D4D to Little Angels was made in March 2016. Soon after, D4D and Little Angels decided to join forces and organized D4D’s inaugural running event, The Gratitude Run. Since this collaborative effort, additional donations to Little Angels have continued. The staff and residents at Little Angels are truly angels with big hearts. Their positive attitude, joy and zest for life remain a continuous source of inspiration.

In February 2024, a once-off donation of R25,000 was bestowed upon Little Angels, as they were also identified as one of the 10 beneficiaries of the 2023 edition of THE500 event.

Heartlands Baby Sanctuary

Heartlands Baby Sanctuary provides a safe, loving and homely environment for young children in desperate need of care and protection. Their individualised services create a foundation to help promote healing, and to develop them into happy, healthy and confident children.

Their objectives, are:

  • To offer holistic short-term residential care for 25 children at one given time from birth to six years of age.
  • To provide specialized care to abandoned, abused, neglected, ill, special needs children and children with moderate intellectual disabilities.
  • To provide an emergency place of safety.
  • To create a secure, caring environment in which the children learn to trust, bond and maintain relationships.
  • To provide effective psychosocial services to children and their families.
  • To provide comprehensive health care services to children.
  • To provide early childhood development programmes that develops children holistically and minimise developmental delays.
  • To return clinically well children back to the community through reunification or alternative community- or long-term institutional placements or adoption.
  • Educating families about general health issues and how to care for their children once back at home while accommodated in the mother`s room.
  • To provide palliative care to children in the acute phase of their illness.

D4D and Heartlands share the same objectives and values, our vision aligns, rendering our decision to nominate them as one of the ten beneficiaries of THE500 event, indisputable. In February 2024, a donation of R15,000 was extended to support their commendable efforts.

Advance Edukos Foundation

Advance Edukos Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating purposeful pathways for youth through quality and well- structured afterschool programs. While they cater for various age groups, their primary focus is Grade 4 to Grade 12 learners from Strandfontein, Mitchell’s Plain and surrounding areas. Collaborating with other organizations, they strive to offer a diverse range of activities that best support the youth they serve, emphasizing the importance of shared vision and added value from their partners.

The organization’s name, inspired by the word “Advance” meaning “moving forward in a purposeful way” and the Greek word for education, “Edukos”, defined as “learning from the inside out”, reflects their commitment to holistic development. Advance Edukos is dedicated to providing a safe space for young people to cultivate new friendships, build strong social and emotional skills, and ignite a sense of hope for the future.

At Advance Edukos, they believe in restoring a sense of individual responsibility in young people. This restoration, they believe, will empower them to commit to pursuing their dreams, ultimately allowing them to reach adulthood with a profound sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Fifty percent of their children come from disadvantaged home backgrounds, with little or no access to washing facilities, nutritional meals, clean clothing and academic support.

In October 2022, Advance Edukos contacted D4D to inquire if they would consider them as a beneficiary. D4D’s board of directors approved a donation of R9,000 to their Love Pack project. They specifically used this donation to purchase school shoes for their children.

Die Herberg Kinderhuis

The Herberg Children’s Home offers a nurturing haven to children who are deemed vulnerable by the Children’s Court. The reasons for admission may vary from children being orphaned, neglected, abandonment or physically and sexually abused. The Herberg Children’s Home is registered to care for 122 boys and girls who are cared for in various housing units.

The Herberg Children’s Home offers a comprehensive residential care and development program for vulnerable children designed to empower these children to realise their full potential and cultivate essential life skills. They provide this service through well trained personnel and committed volunteers, and the unwavering support of the community and various role players.

Guided by values such as commitment to serve, justice, excellence, stewardship and accountability, the residents of The Herberg Children’s Home embody and uphold these principles in their daily lives.

D4D is privileged to make an annual donation to the orphanage. A total contribution of R15,000 was made during the period of 2022/2023.

Kin Culture

Kin Culture embraces the concept of family in its most beautiful, expansive, inclusive and redemptive sense. They believe in family where guests become relatives, where homes are opened and love and burdens are shared. In 2014, Kin Culture was officially formed as a community to create a ‘home’ for children in need of alternative care. Their primary focus lies in extending support to a network of families engaged in foster care throughout the Western Cape.

Kin Culture actively participates in several key initiatives:

  • Recruiting families for foster care.
  • Assisting families in the process of foster caring.
  • Offering support and guidance along the way to prevent failed placements.
  • Providing practical support and training.
  • Creating awareness through initiatives like World Foster Day and the Foster Conference.

Kin Culture was selected as one of the ten beneficiaries of the 2023 edition of THE500 event, receiving a donation of R20,000 in February 2024.

Neurodiversity Foundation

The Neurodiversity Foundation (NDF) wants to ensure that neurodiverse children are identified, screened and diagnosed as early as possible in life, which directly ensures a more positive long-term prognosis for the child.

The NDF takes clinical best practices to the environmentally deprived population and ensure positive change in the lives of neurodivergent children and their families. They conduct needs assessments in rural areas to determine the real need for services in respect of neurodivergent support. Thereafter they provide specialist diagnostic and therapeutic services (identification, screening, assessment and diagnostic services) to financially needy families, as well as establish long term support services within the rural communities, to ensure that neurodiverse children can access quality education and will achieve their full potential.

A big part of their services, is to raise awareness about neurodiversity. Providing training, awareness, and education about neurodiversity to all relevant community members, ensure a better understanding and support for neurodevelopmental concerns, better inclusion within the community, as well as a stronger support base for these children within the community.

In 2022, there was a notable increase in requests for support from teachers, parents and aftercare centers in the Northern Suburbs, Paarl, Franschhoek and Stellenbosch areas. Recognizing this growing need, the NDF approached D4D seeking a donation to establish a parent support group in either of these areas. This financial support would be utilised to conduct 12 support groups of 2 hours each, throughout 2023.

The proposed initiative aims to incorporate Early Childhood Development (ECD) teachers and primary school teachers into the support groups. This inclusive approach ensures that educators also receive education, training and support related to autism and other neurodiverse conditions. The overarching goal is to enhance their ability to provide better support for children in both daycare and school settings.

Upon consideration, D4D’s board of directors approved a donation of R15,600 to facilitate these training sessions, demonstrating our commitment to supporting the education and well-being of children with autism and neurodiverse conditions.

Rusthof LSEN SChool

Rusthof LSEN School, situated in the Strand, is a special needs school catering for learners with intellectual disabilities and those on the autism spectrum. Distinguished as the first WCED autism facility in the Helderberg area, the Autism Unit at Rusthof LSEN School boasts state-of-the-art classroom facilities. Their educators are not only highly qualified, but also possess extensive experience in working with learners on the autism spectrum.

The school is committed to providing a joyful and secure learning environment for both students and educators alike. With a focus on creating a positive atmosphere, Rusthof LSEN School ensures that learners receive the specialized attention and support required for their unique needs. The commitment to quality education and the well-being of learners, is evident at the school through the dedicated teaching staff.

In January 2022, Tacia Roux and Yolanda Pieterse visited Rusthof LSEN School to assess their facilities, engage with the headmaster, and discuss their specific needs. Following the visit, D4D recommended a contribution to enhance the school’s playground facilities. However, upon further consultation with the school, it became evident that there was a more pressing need for a sensory therapy room. Consequently, D4D agreed to allocate the donation towards the establishment of this sensory facility. In September 2022, D4D contributed R25,000 to the school, explicitly designated for the purchase of sensory equipment for this room.

Towards the end of 2023, D4D continued its support by making a donation of R2,500 for stationary needs in the Foundation Phase classrooms. This contribution was facilitated through the purchase of PNA vouchers, demonstrating D4D’s ongoing commitment to addressing the school’s specific needs.

Hessequa Action For Learning

Regrettably, for thousands of children, the return to school is not an eagerly anticipated day. Numerous households face economic challenges, leading to the inability to afford essential items such as school clothes and stationery. Consequently, many children find themselves unable to attend school, missing out on the valuable opportunity to learn.

Major of Hessequa Municipality, Mr Grant Riddles, is acutely aware of the challenging circumstances faced by many children in this area. Committed to providing equal opportunities for every child in the region, Mayor Riddles initiated the Action for Learning Fundraising project. The project, aimed at ensuring that every child, regardless of financial means, can return to school with the same enthusiasm as those who are more privileged.

To support this commendable effort, Stilbaai Tourism joined forces with Mayor Riddles in the Action for Learning Fundraising project. The project’s primary focus is to raise funds for providing stationery to less privileged children in the community. D4D, recognizing the importance of this initiative, contributed to the cause with a generous donation of R5,000 in January 2023.

Daniël Heystek

Daniël Heystek was diagnosed with Metastatic High Risk, Stage 4, MYCN gene amplified Neuroblastoma cancer in 2020.

Daniël’s journey involved intense chemotherapy,
a stem cell transplant, radiation and various surgeries.
Despite the relentless efforts and treatments, the cancer spread, leading to a relapse in March 2022. Sadly, Daniël passed away on Tuesday, 6 June 2023.

In recognition of the financial strain associated with his medical bills, D4D’s board of directors approved a compassionate donation of R7,500.

The Darcey Sunshine Foundation

Approximately 450 children lose their life to drowning each year in South Africa. Prevention is the only way to reduce these tragic statistics, and through education, The Darcey Sunshine Foundation is doing just that. Founded in November 2020, The Darcey Sunshine Foundation has been spreading sunshine into the lives of children from South Africa’s most vulnerable communities through survival swimming lessons, water safety education and nutrition.

In May 2023, D4D demonstrated its commitment to water safety education by making a generous contribution of R10,000 to The Darcy Sunshine Foundation. This financial support was specifically allocated to cover the printing costs associated with the production of their new water safety workbooks and storybooks.

Somerset West Family Shelter

Somerset West Family Shelter is a haven to homeless families and their children. The shelter is not only a safe space, but provides daily meals, counselling, skills development, education, employment opportunities and much more. There has always been a need for a family shelter. At the start of the world-wide Covid pandemic, they received the go ahead for the use of a facility one block down from their current single-adults-only-shelter. They are the only shelter specifically set up for family units in the Western Cape. They are determined to set the best example in motion, in order to make a way for many families needing shelter.

In addition to seeking financial support from D4D, they also recognize the immense value of mentorship and guidance. They believe that aligning themselves with organisations like D4D, can significantly strengthen their position.

Tacia Roux was pleasantly surprised with the overall impression of the facility during her visit in December 2023. The facility was not only well-equipped, but also thoughtfully designed to cater for the needs of families, providing ample space for comfort and functionality.

D4D has officially approved a donation of R10,000 in December 2023. This contribution underscores D4D’s commitment to ensuring that the funds are directed towards the educational and holistic needs of the children under the shelter’s care.

The Character Company

To make a meaningful difference in our world, requires us to take action – to move with purpose into a direction that will bring about change. Fatherlessness is the biggest issue we currently face – it drives destructive issues like gender based violence, corruption, racism, substance abuse and suicide. By MENtoring a generation of boys to become good men, we can take these issues off the table. That is what The Character Company is doing and have done for the past decade. On Saturday, 14 October 2023, Jaco van Schalkwyk, moved with purpose as he took part in a fun walk to raise awareness for the impact of absent fathers on our families and society.

D4D supported his campaign and donated R10,000 towards his efforts. This financial support is a testament to D4D’s commitment to initiatives that address the fundamental issue of fatherlessness and acknowledging the ripple effect it has on various societal challenges.