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Home / Stéphan Pieterse

Stéphan Pieterse

Chief Innovation Officer

What did you do after Matric?

I completed my B.Eng. (Mechanical) degree at Stellenbosch University in 1995.

What is your day job?

After a 12-year engineering career, I made a career change into the people space. I was Pragma’s Chief People Officer until 2023, after which I transitioned to a role focused on driving innovation. More recently, in 2024, I was asked to lead our marketing and CRM efforts. Pragma is an amazing company, a leader in the field of Professional Enterprise Asset Management Services.

When did you join D4D?

I started D4D in 2005 (then called “Running for their Lives”).

Why are you involved with D4D?

D4D was established in response to the devastating scenes of the Asian Tsunami on December 26, 2004. That event moved me to ask the question: “What can I do to make a difference in this world?” Through running, I could raise funds and make a small difference. The rest is history. As a director of D4D, I am responsible for handling the funds channeled through us to children in need, with wisdom, integrity, and accountability. For me, D4D is a vehicle through which I can serve others.

Tell us more about your family?

I married the most amazing woman, Yolanda, in 1998. We have three beautiful daughters: Caro, Karla, and Simoné.

What sport do you do? Any tough events done?

I was privileged to complete three consecutive and life-changing Comrades Marathons in 2008, 2009, and 2010. In November 2015, I started a daily minimum 5 km running challenge and managed to do it for 1,333 days until pneumonia stopped me. By April 2024, I had completed 24,500 km since I started running in 2002. I’ve also completed 10 Cape Town (Argus) Cycle Tours. Most recently, I started swimming! It’s early days, but I did complete my first 800 m open water swim in March 2024. Next goal, a mile!

What are your future dreams for D4D?

D4D’s first decade showed me how little I can do alone and how much can be achieved as a team. The second decade, celebrating our 20th anniversary in 2025, has been very blessed, and to date, we’ve raised close to R13 million since 2005. My dream is for more people and organizations to use D4D as a platform for making a difference; to use us as a responsible distributor of donated funds, ensuring that the funds get to where it is really needed and is utilized with integrity and accountability. One last thing and one of my life lessons: “Live a life of significance, but make sure it starts at home.”

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